Train Mountain Triennial 2009 · App 72 mins. · DVD ·


The 2009 Triennial at Train Mountain was a bittersweet affair, coming just months after founder Quentin Breen’s death. However Quentin’s intention was always that Train Mountain would be for the hobby, and continue for generations to come, and the 2009 Meet certainly demonstrated the strong foundations he has established. And quite where will it end, with other connecting lines being built on adjacent property? Total track length is already about that of the longest British standard gauge preserved railway, but in 71⁄2’ gauge!  As always at Train Mountain some spectacular models are to be seen, the star here being an Erie Triplex and two models of D&RGW K37 3’ gauge 2-8-2s, but there are, literally, hundreds more all, as the DVDs sub-title goes ‘Living Quentin’s Dream’. Come and join them! Also included are an EXTRA 60 minutes of bonus features.