The Hull & Barnsley Railway Vol. 2 Expansion, Pride, Prosperity, Eclipse


In this second volume, the narrative of the H&BR picks up from around the turn of the 20th century, describing the principal aspects which contributed towards the upturn in the company’s fortunes during the Edwardian years and the short period until the outbreak of the Great War.

Emphasis is given to the company’s prime infrastructure assets, notably the Springhead Shed and Works, and the sheds at Cudworth and Hensall, the three major additions to its route mileage and the joint enterprise formed with the North Eastern Railway leading to the construction of Hull’s King George Dock. The period of the Great War and its aftermath, leading up to the amalgamation with the NER and the Grouping are then described. The story of the long period of decline and closure through the ensuing decades is told before being brought finally into the 21st century. 328 heavily illustrated pages. Hardbound.

See also Vol. 1